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About Us

Since it is hardly possible or very difficult for a small or medium sized company to open up the potential Chinese market single-handedly, we have implemented the concept of a company pool in China. With the help of a joint repr...

Contact US

Room 4006C ,Building 21 , Ganjiakou , Haidian District ,Beijing China 100037
Tel: +86-10- 85971104
Fax: +86-10- 85970231

Web: www.rebedeau.com
E-mail: China@rebedeau.com

New Products
Rebedeau cutting (grinding) oil
Rebedeau cutting (grinding) oil

Rebedeau cutting grinding oil High performance cutting grinding oil,especially developed for machining stainless,acid and heat resisting steel,titanium and non-f

Rebedeau cutting fluid
Rebedeau cutting fluid

Rebedeau metal cutting fluid (water miscible emulsion) High cutting performance ,good feed and speeds ,long tool life Mild formulation without bactericides ,good

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