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Contact US

    Room 4006C ,Building 21 , Ganjiakou , Haidian District ,Beijing China 100037
    Tel: +86-10- 85971104
    Fax: +86-10- 85970231

    Web: www.rebedeau.com
    E-mail: China@rebedeau.com


             Since it is hardly possible or very difficult for a small or medium sized company to open up the potential Chinese market single-handedly, we have implemented the concept of a company pool in China. With the help of a joint representative office our concept permits an effective market work based on the principle of cost sharing for all necessary activities.
             Our countrywide spread offices ,our highly qualified employees, our long-time presence on the Chinese market as well as the high level of awareness of our company are offering your company the opportunity of reaching success in China in a fast and controlled manner.
             Our offices in China become your offices. Thus they become a central contact point for all inquiries to your company in China. Participating in the company pool you do not only have a representative office but also an own employee on the spot at your disposal. 
             The selected and qualified employee will start its work on the spot according to your expectations and strategies .
             Jointly we define your path to China

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